Preparing Your Smile For Summer
As the school year comes to a close and you find yourself enjoying all that this season has to offer, we hope you will remember that preparing your smile for summer is crucial! We have put together a few of our best dental suggestions for keeping your smile in great shape all summer long. Check them out below!
Maintain Your Normal Oral Hygiene Routine
It’s possible that your daily routine may change a bit during the summer. Kids are out of school, vacations are happening, and you get busy enjoying those long summer evenings. However, make sure that these changes in your schedule don’t cause you to neglect your oral hygiene. Continue brushing, flossing, using a nightly fluoride rinse and following our oral health tips to keep your smile in great shape just like you do the remainder of the year.
Schedule Dental Work You May Be Putting Off
Insider tip: Summer is a GREAT time to get your dental appointments scheduled. Traditionally dental offices are very busy between October and December because many people don’t start thinking about using their flexible spending dollars until then. Get ahead of the game and schedule your dental work while you still have plenty of time to get it completed.
Ice, Ice, Baby
Frosty summer desserts and beverages may come with painful sensitivity for some of you. If you are one of the unlucky few who cringe at the thought of biting into an ice cream cone, switch your toothpaste to a sensitivity paste. It’s important when using a sensitivity paste (such as Sensodyne) to only brush with that type of toothpaste. Irregular use of sensitivity toothpaste won’t result in very much relief from pain and sensitivity.
What struggles do you have when it comes to preparing your smile for summer? Comment below and let us know what you find difficult. We are happy to help out any way we can to keep your oral hygiene regime great all summer long!