Category: Toothbrush

A Dental Hygienist’s Review of The Quip

When strolling the aisles of your local store, you have more than likely stumbled upon a sleek, electric toothbrush called the Quip. Quip provides an affordable, sleek, easy-to-use electric toothbrush for consumers– starting at $25. Unlike other electric toothbrushes sold in stores, the Quip exhibits a clean, simple look, and is available in an assortment of different colors. It’s no secret that we have always been proponents of electric brushes, but we wanted to learn more about this new brush …

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Caring For Your Electric Toothbrush

It’s been found that electric toothbrushes do a better job of cleaning when compared to a manual toothbrush. A study conducted found that plaque and gingivitis were significantly reduced after switching to electric toothbrush use. After just three months, there was a 21 percent reduction in plaque, and an 11 percent reduction in gingivitis. Our Dentists and Dental Hygienists recommend electric brushes to many of our patients. This is because we regularly see what a great job they do when …

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4 Benefits of Brushing with an Electric Toothbrush

If you aren’t currently brushing with an electric toothbrush, we highly recommend that you give it a try. Electric toothbrushes (sometimes referred to as power brushes) have a number of benefits and many patients report that once they start using an  electric brush they never want to switch back to a manual brush! Even though power brushes are typically more expensive and must be recharged, we believe that the benefits of power toothbrushes far outweigh the negatives. 1. Electric Toothbrushes …

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Complete Instructions for Cleaning your Night Guard

Night guards can be a valuable tool when it comes to protecting your teeth from the harsh effects of grinding or clenching. If your dentist suspects that you are grinding or clenching in your sleep, a night guard may be recommended in order to prevent future damage. Once you get a night guard, it’s important that it’s cared for properly so that it can continue protecting your teeth for as long as possible. Your daily oral health routine should include …

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History of the Toothbrush

Many of us take for granted a simple invention that does so much to help maintain oral health: the toothbrush. Far from a mundane dental invention, the toothbrush has a deep and interesting history that belies its otherwise routine and ordinary use. For centuries the toothbrush has been variously invented and enhanced by ancient civilizations, Chinese monks, prisoners, lone dentists, and large research corporations. Early Toothbrushes: Simple yet Imaginative Inventions While the first toothbrushes might not seem like radical inventions …

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The Ultimate Guide to Brushing Teeth: How to Brush Your Teeth like a Dentist in 120 Seconds

  The Ultimate Guide to Brushing your Teeth Or: How to Brush Your Teeth like a Dentist in Richmond, VA By Brent Rusnak For most of us, brushing our teeth is a once a day task that qualifies as one of those mindless activities that you don’t need to pay much attention to–you just need to get it done. Also, for many of us brushing our teeth is probably something we take very little time to do. We give our …

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