The Dental Hub

Top 5 Dental Infographics of 2014

Sometimes the easiest way to learn something new is to see it in the form of a picture, so we have compiled the best infographics of 2014 to help teach you more about your dental health. These simple infographics provide you with tips on preventative dental care, facts about oral procedures, and information about how dental hygiene affects your body. Click on the following infographics to see them at a more suitable size. #5: Top 10 Ways to Fight Bad …

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What Wikipedia Can't Teach You About Dental Insurance

Many people are clueless when it comes to their dental insurance. And who can blame them? Dental insurance can be confusing! In fact, most people never fully understand their dental benefits. And believe it or not, there are even a few things that Wikipedia can’t teach you about dental insurance. Dental Insurance and Health Insurance Are Totally Different Things It sounds obvious, but what do we mean when say that dental insurance and health insurance are totally different? The biggest difference between …

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4 Candies That Are Scary Bad for Your Teeth This Halloween

Halloween is almost here! Time to start planning your Halloween costume and choosing the optimal trick-or-treat route. With the perfect costume and route planned, this is sure to be the best Halloween yet. Bad news though, not everyone is excited for Halloween. In fact, some of your very close friends who play an important role in your everyday life and overall health are flat out scared. Your teeth! Your beautiful and well cared for teeth are dreading the 31st. They …

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The Scary Truth About Postponing Dental Treatment

It can be unnerving to hear from your dentist that you are in need of restorative dental work, especially if  you aren’t currently experiencing any pain. After all, if the tooth isn’t causing you any day-to-day problems then why should you make dental treatment a priority? We get this question from patients all the time so we want to help you understand just how important it is to not postpone your dental treatment. Dental Problems Get Worse With Time The most important …

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7 Terrifying Things That Will Happen To Your Mouth If You Don’t Floss

For whatever reason, people don’t seem to love flossing. Hey, we get it. It takes a little extra time, it’s not always comfortable, and it can be difficult to reach all the way to the back of your mouth. But it’s our job to remind you that flossing really is important and needs to play a central role in your oral health routine. Our dentists recommend that you floss daily. Flossing every day will dislodge pesky food particles and will help prevent …

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5 Reasons To Consider Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Traditionally, orthodontic treatment was something associated with the teenage years. Today, however, more and more adults are choosing to straighten their teeth. There are a variety of reasons that we are seeing orthodontic treatment rise in popularity with adults, but the most important thing for you to understand is that braces aren’t just for kids anymore. 5 Reasons To Consider Adult Orthodontic Treatment 1. Confidence Self-confidence is important, regardless of your age. In fact, did you know that those with straight …

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3 Alternatives to At-Home Teeth Whitening

If you’re interested in whitening your teeth, there are many options available to you. From toothpastes to strips to rinses to professional whitening, how are you supposed to know what will work best? The general rule of thumb is that the stronger the whitening agent, the more dramatic the results will be. The only problem is that many at-home teeth whitening systems are not very strong and therefore the results are not always very noticeable. When your goal is to whiten …

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The Difference Between Plaque and Tartar

The words plaque and tartar are often used interchangeably when people are talking about the bacteria buildup on their teeth. However, there are a few key differences between plaque and tartar that we want you to know about. Plaque Plaque is a clear sticky residue that is constantly forming on your teeth throughout the day and night. Food particles, sugar, and saliva all combine to form this residue which makes your teeth to feel dirty between brushings. Plaque begins to develop on …

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Staff Spotlight: Meet Our Dentist Dr. Molly Adler

Our staff spotlights are a great opportunity to get to know our dental staff on a more personal level. If you have been following the Rusnak Family Dentistry blog for awhile then you probably remember meeting Tunisia, Karley, and Lindsey in past staff spotlights. Today we are really excited to introduce you to Dr. Molly Adler, our newest dentist at Rusnak Family Dentistry! Meet Dr. Adler Patients frequently ask how and why our dentists decided to make dentistry their profession. …

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Gingivitis vs. Periodontitis

In 2012, the Center for Disease Control reported that almost half (47%) of all Americans over the age of 30 have some degree of periodontal disease. Even though it’s a disease the affects so many people, most Americans are uneducated about the causes, symptoms, and types of periodontal disease (gum disease). One major gap in understanding is in the differences between gingivitis and periodontitis. What is the Difference Between Gingivitis and Periodontitis? Gingivitis and Periodontitis are both types of periodontal disease. The key …

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