Category: Dental Hygiene
As 2014 comes to and end and you start to think of New Year’s resolutions for 2015, why not make 2015 the year that you develop great dental hygiene? Check out our top tips for great dental hygiene in 2015! Skip the Sugar Maintaining a healthy diet is the first step to keeping your teeth strong. Try to eat foods low in sugar and avoid foods and candies that stick to your teeth. Choose drinks such as water, milk, and …
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Many people begin using a variety of anti-aging products as they grow older. However, very few people realize that one of the easiest things they can do is to just focus on their teeth. Check out these 3 secrets to a younger looking smile. You may be surprised at the difference they can make! 1. Take Your Oral Hygiene Seriously When it comes to getting a younger looking smile, the first step is to get back to the basics of your oral hygiene. …
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Imagine the following scenario: You come in for your 6-month dental visit and your hygienist asks if you have been flossing. “I floss daily,” you respond, which is met by a confused look from your hygienist. She then explains that by examining your gums she cannot tell that you are flossing daily. It’s at this point the conclusion can be drawn that perhaps you are simply not flossing the right way. This scenario plays out more often than you may realize. Many people …
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The words plaque and tartar are often used interchangeably when people are talking about the bacteria buildup on their teeth. However, there are a few key differences between plaque and tartar that we want you to know about. Plaque Plaque is a clear sticky residue that is constantly forming on your teeth throughout the day and night. Food particles, sugar, and saliva all combine to form this residue which makes your teeth to feel dirty between brushings. Plaque begins to develop on …
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As the school year comes to a close and you find yourself enjoying all that this season has to offer, we hope you will remember that preparing your smile for summer is crucial! We have put together a few of our best dental suggestions for keeping your smile in great shape all summer long. Check them out below! Maintain Your Normal Oral Hygiene Routine It’s possible that your daily routine may change a bit during the summer. Kids are out of school, …
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With all the bells and whistles and different varieties of toothbrushes on the market, you’ve got to be wondering, which is better – electric or manual? While both electric and manual toothbrushes have pros and cons, according to the Academy of General Dentistry, the best toothbrush is the one that will you will actually use. Thus, deciding between a manual and electric toothbrush ultimately comes down to personal preference. In other words, your brushing technique and frequency is much more …
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At Rusnak Family Dentistry we are frequently reminding ourselves that dentistry is all about the people. It’s about our patients, our community, and our employees. It’s about providing a service that has the ability to dramatically change someones life. And it’s about empowering our employees to provide exceptional service to our dental patients. At your first dental visit, we spend some time getting to know you and finding out the things that are important to you. So recently the thought …
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Have you considered your smile when making your wedding preparations? Planning a wedding is a busy time; don’t forget to make sure your smile looks perfect for your big day! The average cost of a wedding photographer is $3,000. Spending this much money on photos and not being happy with your smile just doesn’t make sense. As your Richmond dentist, we are happy to help you develop a plan to make sure you have a confident and beautiful smile for …
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The Ultimate Guide to Brushing your Teeth Or: How to Brush Your Teeth like a Dentist in Richmond, VA By Brent Rusnak For most of us, brushing our teeth is a once a day task that qualifies as one of those mindless activities that you don’t need to pay much attention to–you just need to get it done. Also, for many of us brushing our teeth is probably something we take very little time to do. We give our …
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Braces have traditionally been associated with the teenage years, so it’s no surprise that many parents don’t realize that their children can benefit from seeing the orthodontist at an early age. The AAO recommends that children first see the orthodontist at age 7. Sound early? Read on to find out why 7 is the magic age for orthodontics! By age 7, most children have already lost some of their baby teeth and may even have a few of their permanent …
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