Category: Dental Hygiene

How to Brush Your Pet’s Teeth

February is National Pet Dental Health Month, which means it’s time to be reminded of the importance of caring for your pet’s teeth. Did you know that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show some sign of gum disease by their third birthday? The fact that gum disease can be prevented makes this an especially unfortunate statistic. The oral health of your dog or cat directly relates to their overall health, just as it does for humans. If they develop …

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Does Cold Weather Make Your Teeth Hurt?

There are an abundance of reasons why many people dread Old Man Winter. For some it may be because they hate scraping ice off their windshields in the morning. For others it’s the earlier sunsets, snow shoveling, frigid temperatures, or the fact that their teeth hurt every time they step outside. If you are one of the many Americans who experiences tooth sensitivity during cold weather, you are not alone! Colder temperatures can cause your teeth to hurt. It’s important to understand why this happens …

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Can Oil Pulling Cure Cavities? Separating The Facts and Fiction of Oil Pulling

While the practice of oil pulling may be thousands of years old, oil pulling for improving oral health has only become a widespread trend in the past few years. Advocates of oil pulling claim that by swishing coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil around in the mouth for 10-20 minutes each day, you can remove plaque and prevent, or even cure, caries (commonly called cavities). How much of this claim is true? A lack of thorough clinical studies stops experts from …

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Fluoride Is Important At All Ages

If you think that fluoride treatments are only important during adolescence, you are probably not alone. In the past, fluoride was used primarily to protect teeth during their initial eruption and development which is why you probably remember fluoride treatments when you visited the dentist as a child. However, fluoride is still important as we age and should not be forgotten about after the age of 18. One reason that many patients stop receiving fluoride treatments as adults is because they are …

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Are All Toothpastes Created Equal? The Danger of Using Polyethylene Beads

Over the past 10 years, personal care products that contain small plastic beads have grown dramatically in popularity. While these products are approved by the FDA, most consumers aren’t even aware that they are using products with plastic in them. They also don’t realize the effect that these small plastic beads could be having on their bodies as well as the environment. Plastic Beads in Toothpaste Some toothpaste companies, such as Crest, have been adding polyethylene beads to their toothpaste …

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4 Benefits of Brushing with an Electric Toothbrush

If you aren’t currently brushing with an electric toothbrush, we highly recommend that you give it a try. Electric toothbrushes (sometimes referred to as power brushes) have a number of benefits and many patients report that once they start using an  electric brush they never want to switch back to a manual brush! Even though power brushes are typically more expensive and must be recharged, we believe that the benefits of power toothbrushes far outweigh the negatives. 1. Electric Toothbrushes …

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Mouthwash: The Missing Link to Great Oral Hygiene

For most of us, we tend to keep our oral hygiene rituals relatively simple. Often we stop at brushing and flossing our teeth, making it easy to overlook key steps we could be missing. One important addition that gets overlooked is mouthwash. By routinely using mouthwash, you can greatly improve your oral health and smile. But for such a simple step, there are many questions people have on how to best use it. Should you rinse before or after you …

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Complete Instructions for Cleaning your Night Guard

Night guards can be a valuable tool when it comes to protecting your teeth from the harsh effects of grinding or clenching. If your dentist suspects that you are grinding or clenching in your sleep, a night guard may be recommended in order to prevent future damage. Once you get a night guard, it’s important that it’s cared for properly so that it can continue protecting your teeth for as long as possible. Your daily oral health routine should include …

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Valentines Day Alternatives That Are Good For Your Smile

There are many things we love about Valentine’s Day, but cavities aren’t one of them. Even though this is the one day of the year that eating chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner is totally acceptable, is it really worth the damage it may cause to your teeth in the long run? Worry not! You can still have a fabulous Valentine’s Day without sacrificing your smile. We have put together a list of Valentine’s Day alternatives that are good for …

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Top 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions about Dentistry

It’s normal to have questions when it comes to dentistry. After all, most people don’t go to school to study teeth and gums so it’s natural that you may need the help of a dental professional when it comes to making decisions about your dental health. These are the top 5 most frequently asked questions about dentistry that we hear from patients on a daily basis. 1. How often do I actually need to visit the dentist? There are a …

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