Dental Health Tips: How to Care For Your Teeth When Pregnant

At Rusnak Family Dentistry in Richmond, VA we love to provide our patients with pertinent dental health tips.  While it is obvious that you should consult your doctor regarding your pregnancy, it is less obvious—but equally important—to talk to your dentist about your pregnancy.

Dental Health Tips Infographic

We have researched and compiled a quick and easy guide for first time moms in order to help you through each trimester of your pregnancy as it relates to dentistry.

Be sure to share this infographic and let us know what you think!

(Click to enlarge.)

dental health tips pregnancy

(Click to enlarge.)

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<div style=”clear:both”><a href=”” ><img src=”” alt=”Dental health tips rusnak family dentistry” border=”0″ /></a></div><div>Courtesy of: <a href=”” >Rusnak Family Dentistry in Richmond VA</a></div>

POSTED IN: Dental Health, Dental Tips, Dentistry