During the school year, life can be so busy! Whether you are juggling kids in extracurricular activities or have a list of other commitments going on during the school year, your children’s dental health may have been put on the back burner for some time. However, it doesn’t have to be that way any longer since summer is quickly approaching!
Your Kid’s Dental Hygiene Matters:
Please don’t think that just because kids brush their teeth and floss at home that they don’t need to see the dentist or dental hygienist. The truth is that they do and how well they take care of their teeth truly matters. What many don’t know is that dental hygiene has a direct affect on overall health and we want our kids to grow up to be healthy and strong!
Plus, a professional teeth cleaning is a little different than your child cleaning their teeth at-home. During your child’s cleaning, the dental hygienist will work to remove any plaque or debris that is on the teeth so that it can’t harden or negatively impact the teeth in the future. Following the cleaning, the hygienist will also polish your child’s teeth so that they shin. Flossing will serve as the last part of the cleaning and the hygienist will get in-between your child’s teeth to ensure that no plaque is left. Since flossing can be a challenge for many kids, the hygienist may give your child some useful tips on how to floss effectively.
Contact Us:
If you are near Short Pump, Virginia and need to schedule your kids for the summer dental appointments, River Run Dental is here for you and the family. At our dental office, we love children and can’t express enough how important it is that they come to the dentist. This is why we make sure that when your children come into our office that they feel welcomed and can be reassured that they’ll have a positive and comfortable experience in our dental chair. Please contact us to book an appointment today!