Most people consider sweet tea to be a healthy beverage. The truth is that if you’d like to keep your teeth bright and healthy, sweet tea isn’t going to do you any favors. Sweet tea may erode enamel and stain your teeth as a result.
It’s important to note that while sweet tea isn’t ideal for the teeth, it does offer some health benefits that make it worth drinking. We recommend that patients drink it in moderation and drink other healthy drinks like water whenever possible.
One of the best ways to prevent tooth damage from sweet tea is to swallow it as fast as possible. This way, it won’t linger in your mouth for a long time and will be less likely to cause stains. If you can, be sure to rinse your mouth with warm water after you’ve had some sweet tea and/or brush your teeth. Since you likely won’t have a toothbrush at your disposal at all times, carry some sugarless gum with you so that you can chew on that after you’ve drank some sweet tea.
If you are bothered by stained teeth that are a result of sweet tea, professional teeth whitening is a great option. Here at River Run Dental, we use Zoom! Professional Whitening as this treatment can make your teeth appear up to eight shades lighter. It’s a simple in office procedure that can whiten your teeth and restore your confidence.
Schedule a Professional Whitening Appointment at River Run Dental
If you’re interested in professional whitening, don’t hesitate to call our office at 804.404.8031 to schedule an appointment today.