Can I Eat Food After My Tooth Extraction?

An “extraction” or removal of a tooth is done in many general dental offices across the nation! While it is technically considered oral surgery, it is a minor surgery at that and general dentists are board certified to perform in-office extractions. At River Run Dental Spa, we have excellent board certified general dentists who will put you at ease during an extraction procedure.

In fact, if you are receiving an extraction at River Run Dental Spa we will make sure that you are prepared and comfortable for your visit! We want you to have a positive experience in our office and do not want you to be in any pain. This is why we will ensure that at your appointment we get you very numb prior to the procedure! Our dentists use a local anesthetic that is just like the original “Novocaine,” but has a different chemical makeup and works just the same. It’ll numb the nerves that will be supporting the tooth that will be worked on so that you don’t feel anything. Once you are considered “numb” the doctor and assistants will work together to remove the tooth. Once the tooth is out, you will be given a series of post operative instructions following.

Some important post operative instructions may be:
-You should be careful while you are still numb! Do not chew or bite your tongue or cheek as you may injure it.
-You should stick to soft foods only while you are numb and recovering from your extraction so that you don’t injure your mouth or extraction site. Foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, milkshake, soft noodles, etc. are appropriate.
-No straw for at least 48-72 hours
-Avoid smoking for at least 72 hours depending on the doctor’s request
-Icing the area will be your best friend whether it is frozen peas, ice in a ziploc bag, ice pack, etc. Icing your cheek where the tooth was extracted for 4-6 hours can help to reduce any swelling in that area.

So, if you are questioning if you can eat right after your extraction procedure, you can! Just be extremely careful what you eat and try to avoid really chewing on anything especially while you are still very numb. Ideally, it would be best to avoid anything overly chewy or crunchy to be safe. After the numbing wears off, just baby the area and be gentle with eating. If you have any questions as to what to eat, please do not hesitate to contact River Run Dental Spa! We are here for you and happy to help in any way that we can.