Dr. Ariadne Dane Dongieux
What is your favorite thing about dentistry?
I love seeing patients faces the first time when they look in the mirror. It increases their confidence and their smile just lights up the room! It’s a great feeling being able to provide that to my patients.
If you were to share one piece of dental advice, what would it be?
Don’t underestimate the value of your smile — functionally, socially and even professionally!
How do you stay up to date on the latest dental techniques?
The best way to learn anything in life is through immersion. Besides going to numerous Continuing Education courses each year, I have also kept up with dental colleagues, specialists and even dental product representatives — they usually know whats the newest and greatest out there!
What charity or organization are you most passionate about supporting?
I am a big proponent of improving access to healthcare. In Virginia alone, there are 69 localities with no dental provider. Luckily, organizations such as the Mission of Mercy (MOM) Project and Remote Area Medical (RAM) Mission help the lack of access by setting up mobile clinics and asking dental volunteers such as myself to provide the care that the locals need. I have also participated in International dental mission trips in both Jamaica and El Salvador.
What do you want patients to say about their experience with you?
I want my patients to feel that I can connect with them well and that I can articulate their concerns when they are at a loss for words.