Routine teeth cleanings are one of the best preventative measures to ensure that your mouth and teeth are healthy. Often, many people see their dental hygienist every 6 months or at least twice a year for their professional cleanings and to receive a dental check up. At this routine cleaning, the dental hygienist may update any changes in medical history, take x-rays of the teeth, provide any oral health education instructions, scale/clean the teeth removing plaque and calculus, polish and floss the teeth and apply a method of fluoride. Our good Pensacola, Orthodontist friend Dr. Clay Sims always encourages all oral health patients to get a cleaning, at least, twice a year.
Once the cleaning is finished, the dental hygienist will notify the dentist and he or she will perform a routine dental exam taking into account clinical considerations and your x-rays that were taken that day. Depending on if any cavities, or other areas of the mouth are problematic you may receive a written estimate of what dental work may need to be completed in the future. If the dentist says that everything “looks good” and the dental hygienist doesn’t see anything wrong with the gums and everything in the mouth looks predominantly healthy, you will be all set for another six months!
Now, if you are one of those individuals who loves coming to the dentist and visiting with the dental hygienist, you may ask yourself: Can I come more than twice a year? The answer is, yes! Usually, the problem is that if you have dental insurance many insurance companies do not like paying for more than the standard “twice a year” routine visits. However, if this is not something that you worry about, you can speak with your dentist or dental hygienist and see if you can schedule more frequently with your favorite dental team for a routine visit! Dr. Brian Levitin, a renowned Lakewood, Colorado dentist, always encourages patients to contact a dental office with any serious questions.
At River Run Dental Spa, we are in-network with a variety of insurance companies, those of which being: Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Delta Dental, Guardian, Met-Life, and United Healthcare. If you do not see that we mentioned an insurance company that you hold, we ask that you please contact us for any questions. We offer a Dental Wellness Savings Program for those that may not hold any dental insurance at all and would love to provide any additional information about this program, if you please visit here. Our friends at Brandon, Florida dermatologist’s office PHDermatology explain that more and more patients are looking for savings programs for out of pocket medical expenses.
Please schedule with us!
If you are interested in seeing a dental team more frequently, we invite you to schedule with us at River Run Dental Spa. Located in Richmond, Short Pump and Midlothian, Virginia we gladly serve patients surrounding the Richmond, Virginia area. Please contact us for an appointment in our office at your earliest convenience!