On Friday, May 29th, 2020 the Virginia statewide mask mandate went into effect. On Wednesday, July 1st, 2020 Virginia will advance into Phase 3 of the reopening but the mask mandate will remain in effect. For this reason, anyone visiting a dental office in the state of Virginia is strongly encouraged the bring a mask from home. For your own safety, bringing a mask from home will ensure you are not using someone else’s face covering.
At River Run Dental Spa, our Richmond and Short Pump, VA dental offices have taken extra measure to ensure the safety of our patients and employees. You can learn about our Covid-19 policies and procedures at this link. If you have any questions or would like to schedule or reschedule your dental appointment, do not hesitate to give us a call. Your safety and health if of the upmost importance to our staff.
Find the information on Phase 3 in Virginia below: